Taman Negara ( National Park )

Taman Negara or National Park is really a good choice of vacation spot for Nature lovers. There is a lot of activities can be carried out in National park. The best things to do at Taman Negara are for example Rapid Shooting, Visit Orang Asli Village, Night Jungle walk, Canopy walk, Hiking of Bukit Teresek and etc.

Entrance of Taman Negara

There are few ways to reach this fascinating destination

1. Public transportation ( Bus - cheap & taxi - expensive)

2.Self drive ( Flexible )
- Could be cost effective solution if you're travelling in a big group

3. As you can see in below picture ( by boat via sungai Tembeling)
- This could be new experience for the tourist.
-Along the way, definitely tourist will enjoy the beautiful scenery

One of the most important element in our trip is food. Along the sungai Tembeling, you can find few restaurants.

It is advisable to plan your trip way ahead before departing and would be much better to spend a few nights in Taman Negara. You may look for (and book) the available lodging here: Hotels near Taman Negara Pahang

A visit to Orang Asli village

Arrived at Orang Asli Village

Fire start-up show by Orang Asli

1. He's ready for the show :-)

2. Preparation of dried leaves

3. Simple Physics friction principle used to produce heat

4. Successfully fired up the dried leaves

Random shots

Hiking at Bukit Teresek
Map of Taman Negara

Canopy walk

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